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Warning Signs That Your Dental Bridge May Need a Replacement

Dental bridges are an important part of many people’s smiles. They fill the gaps left by missing teeth, helping us chew, speak, and confidently smile. But like everything else, your dental bridges in Pompano Beach don’t last forever. 

Sometimes, they need replacement, and failure to do so can cause pain and tooth sensitivity and lead to serious issues like tooth decay and gingivitis. Because of that, we created this article breaking down the signs that indicate your dental bridge is ready for a change. 

Signs Your Dental Bridges in Pompano Beach Need a Replacement

When Should You Replace Your Dental Bridge? 

Dental bridges are an effective and popular restorative dentistry technique for replacing lost teeth. They work well and are accessible, making them the go-to choice for many patients.  

However, dental bridges might need to be replaced or repaired over time. Just like natural teeth or other restorative procedures like dental implants, bridges inevitably wear down from regular use and need replacement.  

The materials used, the dentist’s fit, and the patient’s oral hygiene practices affect their lifespan. If maintained properly, traditional fixed bridges can last ten to fifteen years. 

Some signs that may indicate yours need a replacement are: 

  • Pain and discomfort: If you experience pain when you bite down on your bridge or ongoing discomfort in that area, there may be an underlying problem with the teeth serving as the bridge’s abutments. 
  • Gaps between neighboring teeth and the bridge: Dental bridges and your natural teeth should fit perfectly. If there’s a gap, food particles can gather in this area and cause gum disease and tooth decay. However, their perfect fit can become damaged over time, needing a prompt replacement. 
  • Bridge discoloration: Another indication of age-related wear is the staining or discoloration of the original bridge material. 
  • Loose dental bridges: The natural teeth surrounding the dental bridge act as abutments and may weaken over time, losing some of their functionality. This may result in adverse effects, such as undue pressure during chewing that can harm nearby healthy teeth. 
  • Tooth decay: The tooth beneath the crown holds the bridge in place, so decay could weaken the bridge and cause malfunction. 

These issues are often related. For instance, gaps between the bridge and abutments may lead to crown decay, as they’re the ideal place for plaque to accumulate. That’s why a replacement may be the ideal choice to solve them cohesively. 

Risks of Not Replacing Your Dental Bridges in Time 

Ignoring a loose or discolored bridge can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and even confidence issues, in addition to ruining your smile. 

The immediate risk is that your natural teeth in the vicinity could sustain more damage. The supporting abutment teeth are subjected to excessive strain when a bridge comes loose. 

This increased pressure could cause structural damage or fractures that require more extensive dental work than just mending a broken bridge. Additionally, if the decay beneath the initial bridge is left untreated, it may spread to nearby healthy teeth. 

Because of that, prompt replacement is fundamental. 

Dental Professional Designing Replacement Dental Bridges in Pompano Beach

Ready to Replace Your Dental Bridges in Pompano Beach? 

Like your natural teeth, dental bridges can break or develop problems, causing pain, tooth decay, and discomfort with your own smile. If your dental bridge appears old or feels wobbly, it’s time for a check-up. 

Reach out to Park Plaza Dental, and let a professional assess your situation! 

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If you have any questions about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to call Park Plaza Dental. Our team is here to make your next appointment a comfortable and productive one.