There’s no shadow of a doubt dental implants in Pompano Beach are the next best thing when it comes to replacing missing teeth. Their semblance to natural teeth is impressive, which explains why most if not all patients prefer dental implants compared to all other tooth replacement options.
Unfortunately, despite their impressive success rate of 94 to 98%, dental implants can still fail. Why do dental implants fail, and how can we prevent them from failing? Let’s find out.
Do you know the bridge or dental crown’s design can be the reason why dental implants fail? If the bridge or the crown attached to the implant cannot be cleaned, there’s a very good chance your dental implant can fail because it will harbor food, plaque, and bacteria.
The position of the implant is also a determining factor for its success or failure. Is the implant too shallow, or is it too deep? Is it too far to the adjacent tooth or tooth near? To eliminate possible factors that contribute to dental implant failure, we recommend choosing a skilled and experienced oral surgeon to perform the surgery.
To ensure your implants last a lifetime, you must take care of your dental health by brushing and flossing your teeth every day, as advised by the American Dental Association. This is necessary to keep your existing teeth and gum tissues healthy. Unhealthy habits like smoking tobacco can also result in dental implant failure. Besides taking care of your teeth at home, you should also find time to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a dental checkup and teeth cleaning.
Have you been taking good care of your dental implants? If you need guidance and help keep your mouth clean, we offer a wide range of restorative, cosmetic, and preventive dental services. At Park Plaza Dental, we take pride in our team’s knowledge, skills, and experience in catering to your dental health needs. Give us a call or visit our website to learn more about our services.
If you have any questions about the services we offer, don’t hesitate to call Park Plaza Dental. Our team is here to make your next appointment a comfortable and productive one.